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05/24/2024 09:54:49 AM


This Shabbat Shalom is sponsored by Rose Haspel in loving memory of her husband Nathan Haspel and her father Morris Izenberg


מזל טוב

Mazal Tov to Toby Gutfreund and his family on becoming Bar Mitzvah this morning.


(May 24 & 25)

Friday  Kabbalat Shabbat...6:00PM
Shabbat Morning Services...9:00AM


(May 26 to May 31)

Sunday Morning...8:30AM
Monday to Friday Mornings...7:30AM
***Sunday-Thursday Evenings...7:00PM***

🚫Beth David is a SCENT-FREE Environment

📵Please SILENCE all cell phones on Shabbat

May 25, 2024

17 Iyyar 5784

Today marks the 32nd day of the Omer

 Parashat Behar

A painting of men in robes

Description automatically generated

Torah: Leviticus 25:29-26.2
(Etz Hayim p. 742 )
Haftarah: Jeremiah 32:6-27  
(Etz Hayim p. 758 )
🕯🕯 Candlelighting: 8:28 PM

 Shabbat Ends: 9:29PM 🕯

Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, May 24 at 6:00 pm

Shabbat Morning Saturday, May 25 at 9:00 am

This morning's Kiddush is sponsored by
Gaela Mintz & Jay Gutfreund in honour of their son Toby becoming Bar Mitzvah
Michael & Heather Goldberg and family marking the end of the 11 months of Kaddish recitation for Michael's mother Tillie Goldberg
Message from Michael Rubin

“What Do I Do on a Long Shabbat Afternoon?”

That is a question posed by Rabbi Sydni Adler Rubenstein. It seemed particularly poignant as we read in this week’s Parashah, B’Har, of the 50-year cycle of Yoveil and the series of Sabbatical years leading up to that pinnacle of Jubilee and Freedom.

Many of us begin at some point in our lives thinking of how we will use that period of time often known as retirement, whenever it may be possible and appropriate, and often feeling more than mildly disoriented when whatever professional or vocational routine we have had is no longer our reality.

Having lived in Israel for close to 18 years, I also learned of the value and necessity of the sabbatical year, preparing for and changing one’s routine in that 7Th year or whenever possible, most often an option available to those in the field of formal education, but not only. That can also be a challenge when not giving sufficient thought about how to best take advantage of that break.

Perhaps the best way to prepare for those periods in our lives is to appreciate the gift of Shabbat we have every week. How do we prepare and utilize that all too brief respite from our daily activities, as inspiring and engaging as they may be? The answer cannot and should not be the same for everyone. Prayer within community and study may work for many but may not be the remedy for all.

One of my favourites is to walk with my daughter. This is something which allows for a relatively unconstrained time together and the appreciation of a relative quiet, when wisely choosing your route, even in a busy and active city like Toronto. It is an opportunity to engage in conversation or indulge in a silence of comfort, simply enjoying whatever passing scenery may be encountered that day.

Among Rabbi Rubenstein’s suggestions:

For Extroverts and Parents

For the extroverts among us and those who live with others who might need to be entertained, Shabbat afternoon can be a wonderful time to play board or card games. Although we don’t write on Shabbat, any necessary scorekeeping can be done with scraps of paper and the pages of a thick book.

Shabbat afternoon is also a great opportunity to invite friends or neighbors to visit.

When I lived in a largely Jewish neighborhood, I would often knock on friends’ doors with board games in hand. Now, I love to invite those who may not otherwise experience Shabbat to my home and give them a taste of our world with games, snacks, and eventually, Havdalah.

Musical Instruments, a More Controversial Practice

For one more introverted activity on a Shabbat afternoon, I love spending the early evening practicing piano, only playing what gives me the most joy and comfort. If I ever become frustrated, I set that particular piece or exercise aside for another day of practice; Shabbat is not the time for tsuris (pain, struggle).

Still, I am aware that not everyone in the Conservative movement accepts the permission to play instruments on Shabbat. We may be tempted to fix our instruments if they break, violating a Shabbat prohibition.

However, I believe that we are each wise enough to use our discretion when playing instruments for the sake of rest and delight on Shabbat.

Whatever your preference and in whatever company, the lengthy Shabbatot we experience this time of year should not be regarded as excessive or mitigating but rather cherished as the chance to do some of those things we probably would never make enough time for during our week. Of course, if you have exhausted your options by around 7:30 pm, join us at Beth David for the great community mix of davening, eating, singing, study and Havdallah!

Wishing all a Shabbat of reset, restoration, exploration, and appropriate indulgence.


Here is link for Rabbi Rubenstein’s complete article:

What do I do on a long Shabbat Afternoon? - The Digital Home for Conservative Judaism (

The Beth David community extends its sincere condolences to our friends and colleagues,

Rabbi Adam Cutler and family on the passing of his father, Barry Cutler, z"l, and also to

Rabbi David Seed and family on the passing of his father, Milton Seed, z"l.




We remember with reverence and love those for whom Yahrzeit will be observed this week.


Saturday, May 25  
Ann Zweig, 
Sara Moses, 
Barney Mogul, 
Nathan Haspel, 
Joseph Greenfield, 

Harry Boness, 
Thelma (Toby) Abella, 

17 Iyyar
Mother of Faye Major and Howard Zweig
Mother-In-Law of Sophie-Renee Moses
Father-In-Law of Sheila Mogul
Husband of Rose Haspel and Father of Ellen Haspel
Husband of Rosalind Greenfield and Father of Karen Weldman and Debra Wronzberg
Uncle of Rae Goodman
Mother of Brenda Abella-Jamieson


Sunday, May 26
Morris Izenberg, 
Jack Joseph Bernstein, 

18 Iyyar
Father of Rose Haspel
Grandfather of Alan Bernstein

Monday, May 27  
David Zuckerbrot, 
Alice Wishnefsky, 
Sarah Wellman, 
Jean Stein, 
Bernice Sandler, 
Morris Ray, 
Sally Farshin, 
Brian Cappel, 

19 Iyyar
Father of Julian Zuckerbrot
Mother of Anne Sokoloff
Great-Aunt of Karen Bernstein
Aunt of Lisa Levine
Sister of Jacquie Oppenheimer
Grandfather of Jeffrey Lanys
Aunt of Faye Major
Husband of Ruth Cappel and Father of Joshua Cappel

                      Tuesday, May 28                   Isadore Isaac Wise, 
Phil Myerson, 
Julius Litwin, 
Michelle Littman, 
Jack Herman, 

20 Iyyar
Father-In-Law of Honey Wise
Husband of Cecile Myerson and Father of Dianne Rubinoff
Father of Manuel Litwin
Sister of Barbara Levine and Aunt of Barry Levine
Father of Sharon Herman-Merten

             Wednesday, May 29     Annie Ander

21 Iyyar
Mother of Max Ander

Thursday, May 30
Stanley Smither, 
Esther Shapiro, 
Louise Rubin, 
Harry Rosenblatt, 
Irving Koven, 
Oscar Black, 
Rachel Bernstein, 

22 Iyyar
Father of Gloria Bernholtz and Carol Bowman
Mother of Sylvia Kirshner
Sister-In-Law of Bette-Lou Black
Grandfather of Steven Hacker
Father of Laurie Bernick
Cousin of Joseph Pollock
Mother of Shirley Weiss

Friday, May 31
Abba Zimmerman, 
Elsie Yankoo, 
Jacob Louis Wolfe, 
Jerome Stone, 

Frances Manilla, 
Ida Kochberg, 
Harry Hattin, 
Myrtle Irene Fruchtman,

23 Iyyar
Grandfather of Rochelle Plender
Mother-in-law of Joe Hoffman
Father of Irving Wolfe
Father of Esther Sarick and Marcia Krestell and Grandfather of Madeleine Sarick
Mother of Lawrence Manilla
Mother of Paul Kochberg
Grandfather of Carol Manilla
Aunt of Michael Wolfson

Minha-Seudah-Havdallah  Sat, May 25 at 8:00 pm

Havdallah is sponsored by Faye Major in loving memory of her mother Ann Zweig and her aunts Mary Fausto and Sally Farshin 

Weekly D’var Torah and resources from the Hadar Institute, the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) and My Jewish Learning (MJL)

Every week we will be posting links to Divrei Torah from the Hadar Institute in NY. You can read the commentary or listen to it (on Spotify).
As well, the JTS Torah online, its Torah portions and Hey-Alma links will also be available for you to read on your own time - in your own space.

This week's Behar:







Weekday Minyanim

NOTE: A door code is required to enter the shul for the weekday minyanim.

Please email if you need the code. 

When using the keypad for entry to the shul, please ensure that you enter alone and that the door closes securely behind you. When you leave, please ensure that the door securely locks behind you.


Sunday, May26

Barry Bernstein in memory of his father Jack Joseph Bernstein on his 15th yahrzeit


Monday, May 27

Karen Bernstein & Ian Hendry and Bill & Jodi Bernstein and Families in loving memory of their great aunt Sarah Wellman

SHAVUOT 2024 Service Times

Erev Shavuot Day I Tuesday, June 11: 8:30 PM

Following services this evening there will be study sessions led by our own Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell and Rabbi Cantor Loomer and Shavuot-appropriate refreshments

Shavuot Day I Wednesday, June 12: 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM

Shavuot Day II Thursday, June 13: 9:00 AM & 9:10 PM

 Click online here or contact Faye at 437-770-2302

Dedicate a Weekday Sim Shalom Prayer Book   $90
Shabbat morning Kiddush  $450 | Seudah Shlisheet  $350 | Weekday Breakfast $200
Weekday Afternoon/Evening Minyan  $36 Saturday Evening Havdallah  $36
Weekday Morning Minyan  $54 | Friday Afternoon Kabbalat Shabbat  $100 
Shabbat Shalom newsletter  $100 | Events & Opportunities newsletter  $100
Shabbat morning Livestream Service  $100 | Clergy Classes $100 for per session
Please call the office at 416-633-5500 and listen to the instructions
Ian Borer, Executive Director
416-633-5500 ext. 22
Faye Major, Administrator
Rebecca Joffe, Program and Communications Manager
Adina Krupnik, Youth and Family Engagement Coordinator
Helene Jacobs, Administrator
Jeev Logan, Finance Manager
Thanuja Perera, Bookkeeper
Philip S. Scheim
Rabbi Emeritus
Marshall Loomer
Michael Rubin
Director of Engagement, Education & Ritual
Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785