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Notice of Annual Meeting of Members June 17, 2024


Monday, June 17, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. 
Main Sanctuary – 55 Yeomans Road 
and via Livestream


The Annual Meeting of Members of Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am will be held as noted above for the purpose of:

  1. Accepting the audited financial statements for the year ended July 31, 2023
  2. Presenting the annual budget for the year ending July 31, 2025
  3. Appointing the auditors for the Congregation
  4. Electing Officers and Directors in accordance with Bylaw #1 (the candidates nominated for election are provided in this Notice, on page 2)
  5. Other business as may be brought before the Members


C​​​​​​lick here to retrieve a copy of the full Notice of Meeting sent May 16, 2024.

C​​​​​​lick here to retrieve a copy of the Updated Meeting Information, including the final List of Candidates for Election to the Board of Directors sent June 3, 2024.

Register for the AGM

Click here to register.

AGM PowerPoint Slides

Click here to view the slides. 

Highlights of the Operating Budget 2024-2025

Click here to retrieve a copy of the report. 

Beth David Audited Financial Statements to July 31, 2023

Click here to retrieve a copy of the financial statements.



Nominated by Nominating sub-Committee under By-Law #1, section 7.2(b)

1.  Chaim Birbrager

4.  Marty Feldman

7.  Adele Randall


2.  Mike Cohen

5.  Celia Golberg

8.  Ken Shelson

10.  Miriam Telem

3.  Lisa Feld

6.  Ian Hendry

9.  Cyla Shiffman

Nominations submitted under By-Law #1, section 7.2(c)

1.  Israel Mida

2.  David Star


Chaim Birbrager

I have been a member of Beth David synagogue for my entire life. My grandparents and parents were also members. My siblings and I celebrated our Bat and Bar Mitzvahs and other important life events at Beth David. I have passed these traditions at Beth David to my children and hope it will be the same for their own. Since my mother’s passing in January of this year, I became more involved in synagogue life, attending morning minyan each day and learning about the current events of the shul. During this time, I took a stand for Beth David to remain an independent entity and believe that I can help to cultivate a bright future for the synagogue by being on the Board. I hope that the Board can set differences aside to forge a productive vision for the longevity of the shul. 

As described in my personal bio, I have a robust background in analyzing problems and working with others to develop the best solutions. I am confident that my acquired skills will make me an asset to the Board in helping the synagogue to evolve as a viable independent organization for years to come. I have led project teams, which involve creating budgets that account for various expenses and personnel requirements. These skills underscore my ability to evaluate the fiscally responsible steps for Beth David. Further, the shul being an integral part of my family for generations highlights the importance of honouring synagogue traditions, while also broadening its reach to attract younger members to connect to their Judaism in these trying times. 

 I feel my skill set and interests would be best suited to House & Property or Finance committees, but I am willing to assist in whatever capacity is required.


Chaim has over 30 years of experience as a Project Leader, System Architect and Senior Business Analyst, working primarily in the financial services industry. He has significant experience supervising teams and working in cooperative settings. Chaim has dealt with upper-level management on various projects. Chaim graduated with a Bachelor of Science, Specialist in Computer Science, Major in Mathematics from the University of Toronto. He received a 4-year University College Full Tuition Scholarship for Academic Excellence. Chaim is an avid sports fan and believes in promoting teamwork and sportsmanship to the younger generation, serving as coach and manager for youth hockey teams, which won league championships several times. He has also coached youth basketball teams, winning championships twice. In his free time, Chaim enjoys tennis, swimming and snow skiing. He is an extensive traveller, having visited Israel twice for his children’s Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. These trips helped to strengthen his connection to our Holy Land. He has travelled to all continents, other than Antarctica. Most importantly, Chaim is the proud father to three accomplished children. As a dedicated father, he has helped forge their connections to the Jewish religion by setting an example of Jewish pride and tradition.

Mike Cohen

I am sending you this email to put my name on the slate of candidates for Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am board of directors.

I was a member of Beth Am before joining Beth David B'nai Israel in the late 70's.

In the last 12 months I was on the evolving independently committee of Beth David board.

I felt strongly, and still do, that the congregation should do everything possible to keep our site at 55 Yeomans Road, not only for the use of a shul for our members, but also for enhancing our relationship with our tenant the MJDS, which can be beneficial to both. Also, it will be a great Mitzvah to keep our site for our Jewish community at large on a prime real estate site in the Bathurst and Sheppard corridor for future enhancement, perhaps for housing or other development that will benefit the Jewish community and our shul as well.

I like to be a director on a Beth David board that will work toward these goals.

Thank you and best regards,

Mike Cohen
Vice President, ICI Division
Homelife Bayview Realty Inc. Brokerage

Lisa Feld

I will commit time to implement fresh ideas to sustain our unique shul. I will prioritize hiring a rabbi, and seed the development of programs that new members and young families really want in order to join us.

I see Beth David ‘s current building and lands as a potential hub for other groups in the Jewish and wider community to share. I would immediately partner with our Jewish Montessori friends who need more space , have proposed sharing resources and have many families who do not belong to a shul. I see a big win-win!

Once we are sustained, we can then look at many options about our very valuable piece of property. Let’s move slowly and carefully without panicking .

I will bring my decades of  experience as a lawyer, mediator, arbitrator, active member and mom, promising to be realistic, fiscally responsible and cautiously optimistic.

Marty Feldman

Security Chair for 25+ years

 I will stay on the Board and continue to do my part in helping the shul and  our community, but I need your help too by staying on as members and seeing where the year ahead takes us.


 ·         previous board member 15 years; Chair of Board 1 year

 ·         young families, fundraising, SATO, co-chair Mitzvah Days, & countless number of other committees

 ·         ran Purim Carnival for years

 ·         continually save synagogue money; have product donated or much reduced pricing; negotiated deal with company president who fitted outside/inside lobby doors, sanctuary, social hall doors with security film, at no cost to us; and much more

 ·         executive board for largest B’nai Brith lodge;  built mother child prenatal centre in Israel, helping synagogue in Cuba & volunteered in many other places with my lodge buddies

 ·         Walk With Israel Board  many years helping organize/run walks

 ·         fundraised over $50,000 for Leo Baeck for the parent/teacher show paying for a new gym

 ·         fundraised large sums of money for Count Me In, largest youth led global organization; creating young leaders worldwide and countless volunteer hours

 ·         successful closeout/liquidation business age 24, buying up trailers of consumer goods from manufacturers; overages, discontinued items, packaging changes; selling to local/ national chain stores/ wholesalers

 ·         work well with others to negotiate best deal/outcome possible

 ·         volunteered beginning with CNIB ages 11-14 taking blind on day trips throughout summer 

Celia Golberg


This is to inform you that I, Celia Golberg wish to serve as a Director on the Beth David Synagogue Board.
My experience includes:
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO:
  • National Executive Board: Public Affairs Committee
  • Toronto Executive Board: Recording Secretary, Constitution Co-chair, Leadership Chair, Editor Reporter Magazine, Major Donor Co-ordinator President Bill Clinton Gala
  • Chapter Level: President, Recording Secretary, Bazaar Chair
Jewish Family and Child:
  • Volunteer Co-ordinator and Joke Performer, Jewish Folks Telling Jokes
Princess Margaret Hospital,
  • Bridge to the Cure: Fundraising Chair
  • 60K Walk to Conquer Cancer: Volunteer and Participant
Beth David:
  • Education Committee
  • Membership Engagement Committee
In my career as a teacher at TDSB, Director of JCC Day Camp  and as a Life Skills Counsellor at Sheridan College, I have demonstrated excellent organizational, writing and communications skills, creative ideas, the ability to think outside the box and an excellent work ethic.
As a member of Beth David for 54 years and a lifelong volunteer in the Jewish and greater community I have a great deal to offer. Celia Golberg

Ian Hendry

I’ve been a back-bencher in the Bernstein pew since the mid-80’s and am appreciative that my wife was active on the Board for nine years, as well as being a lay leader for the successful Shinshinim program for 7 years. I’d be content to remain as an observer, but Rabbi Scheim’s reminder in last week’s sermon that actions are as important as prayer, has awakened my complacency at this crucial time.

Having built a career in different financial institutions over five decades, with a breadth of exposure with various roles in operations, administration, and more recently as an executive in Human Resources, I believe my experiences might prove beneficial in a Board capacity. In addition, for two decades I was president of a small professional, volunteer run, non-profit association, where volunteers were its life-blood and engaging them towards a mutual goal was key to its longevity.

I consider myself an independent thinker and draw my own conclusions based on information either shared, or gained from additional research.

I know my late in-laws, who were proud members of Beth Am before the amalgamation with Beth David, would have left no stones unturned before making a decision on Beth David’s future. I think there is work to be done before we come to the right conclusion.


 An executive with extensive experience in the financial services industry, who has aligned people & culture initiatives to help achieve strategic organizational objectives.  This knowledge and exposure to the complexities of highly successful, large organizations was adapted and employed to help build two start-up companies and the into consulting shaping organizational strategy and executive coaching.   


2005-2021   Managing Partner, Karian and Associates 
2014-2016  VP HR & Administration, Interac 
2010-2011  Corporate Sales & VP Human Resources, PharmaTrust 
2007-2010  CAO (Chief Administration Officer), Alpha Trading Systems 
1996-2007  Managing Director, HR, RBC Capital Markets 
1989-1996   VP Human Resources, Richardson Greenshields 
1973-1989  Various operational roles in Retail, Commercial & Treasury, Scotiabank
•  President, Strategic Capability Network, (1995- 2020)
•  Chair of the Canadian Affiliate to Human Resource People & Strategy (U.S)
•  Contributed numerous articles to professional magazines

Adele Randall

I, Adele Randall, am putting my name forward  as a candidate for the Board of Directors of our Congregation.
I have been a member of our Synagogue since 1968 and have always found our members to
be very friendly and welcoming and I would be honoured to serve on our Board. 
I have served our congregation as a volunteer in several capacities.  
I am currently on the Cemetery Committee and the Ritual Committee.  I have been on the Catering
Committee, and I have helped in the office. I have often been a greeter on Shabbat,
at the sanctuary doors.  I volunteer as an usher during the High Holidays, in the main 
sanctuary, as I have for many years. I am a member of Beth David Women, as well, I am part
of our Women's Craft Group.
My professional background is in accounting.  My interests would be to continue serving on the
Cemetery Committee, Ritual Committee, and a Catering Committee, if we reinstate it.

Ken Shelson,

I, Ken Shelson, am submitting my name for consideration for the Beth David Board of Governors. My family has belonged to the shul for more than 50 years. I participated in services, attended Hebrew school here, had my bar mitzvah and those of my three sons here. I’ve also served on the board previously (for 2 years in the 1990’s). These days, you can usually find me at the morning minyan on Tuesday mornings.

Professionally, I am a software developer, who is in the process of retiring from active employment. I continue to do pro bono projects to support various Jewish initiatives in our community.

Although the shul community has always been welcoming and accepting, I have witnessed and supported the evolution of the synagogue into the fully egalitarian institution it has become. I believe that the current merger saga has been unnecessarily divisive, antagonistic and unproductive. None of us know what the future will bring, but I believe that we can only succeed if we work to unite, rather than divide

Cyla Shiffman


I wish to serve as a Beth David Director and have the opportunity to put into action the spirit of my passion. As a proud member of this community, I want to be a part of its team in developing and preserving Jewish traditions that I hold so dearly, which have been passed on to me by my parents and family. Although only being a member of Beth David for over 2 years, I have found a sense of community that I have never experienced elsewhere. Aligned with the values and visions of Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am, I am passionate about preserving Jewish traditions and know that it is critical to have a solid united leadership. I aim to lead by example, always doing my best and encouraging others to do the same. I always encourage others to be the best versions of themselves and I will provide assistance whenever and wherever needed. My personal, professional, and religious experiences will guide me through this role, and help influence my decisions. As a part of the Board I hope to strengthen the synagogue and ensure its existence far  into the future.


Born to Holocaust survivors and raised in Toronto, I  am proud member  of  the  Jewish  community.  Dedicated and passionate person always  striving  to  help  others  grow  and  uphold  the  principles  of  Conservative Judaism. Graduating from  University  of  Toronto  with  a  dual  degree  in  Economics  and  Business  spending over 35 years as  an Accountant  in the  Financial  Sector.  Predominately working  for  22 years  in  management for a Full Service Investment  Dealer  engaged  in  wealth  management/financial  advisory  and  investment banking services. There I managed and trained several large strong teams of accountants. As part of the management  committee  I  lead  fiance  teams  in  successful  mergers  and   acquisitions.   Currently  a   member of  Na'amat  serving  as  Treasurer  for  my  chapter,  leading  successful  fund  raising  events.  I've   travelled around the world always finding ways to maintain and observe my own faith  by  seeking  and  attending synagogue services. I lived in  Europe  for  2  years  travelling  back  and  forth  to  Israel.  I  enjoy  travelling, reading,  swimming    and    time  with  family  and  friends.  Aligned  with  the  values  and  visions  of  Beth   David, I am passionate about preserving Jewish traditions knowing its critical to have solid leadership in religious observance, Jewish education, social communities, and political actions

Miriam Telem

I was born in Winnipeg where I attended a Jewish day school for 9 years followed by 5 additional years of evening classes.  I graduated from the University of Manitoba with a degree in Philosophy.  I then made Aliya to Israel where I lived for 18 years.  I taught English to various groups of military servicemen as a civilian employee of the IDF.  I worked at the Weizmann Institute of Science for 5 years where I held a senior administrative position.

Since returning to Canada (Toronto) in 1983 I have always been employed in the not for profit and charitable sector mainly in a fundraising capacity.  My last position for 18 years was as Executive Director at Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am.  I am therefore very familiar with the management of the synagogue and feel that I could make a valuable contribution.  I think it is vital to heal the divisions among the members and move forward in the best way possible.

I welcome the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors.

Thank you for your consideration

Miriam Telem

Israel Mida

Why I wish to serve and relevant skills,experiences and qualities 

As a member of our beloved Beth David for over 40 years, I wish to make a significant contribution to the actions now needed to renew and revitalize the Shul including the critical need to unite the full membership to support and pursue that direction of renewal. I bring skills and experience in fundraising, governance, financial acumen and board membership and chairmanship.

I confirm that I will uphold Beth David’s core values including the Beth David Code of Conduct.


Israel Mida FCPA, MBA 

PricewaterhouseCoopers: Partner 1985-2015. Member, Board of Directors 1997-2012. Chair of Board 2005-2007, Chair Governance 2007-2012. National HR Leader 2001-2005. Member PwC International Board 2001-2009. 

Board member currently of following boards in the Jewish Community. Simon Wiesenthal Centre , Canadian Society for Yad Vashem , Jewish Foundation of Toronto , Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee (CJPAC) , Baycrest Professional Advisory Committee, York University Centre for Jewish Studies, Associated Hebrew Schools, Grassroots for Affordable Jewish Education. 

My board experience both professionally and in the community have included strategic planning, governance , fundraising , building teams, financial management. 


Inscribed in Book of Life, Jewish Foundation of Toronto 2013. ORT Annual Honouree 2012. Fellow , Ontario Institute of Chartered Accountants, 2005. Gold Medal , University of Western Ontario , MBA, 1977. Gold Medal , University of Manitoba, BA , 1975

David Star

Let me begin first by introducing myself. I am David Star aka David Szmeiser. I live in Bathurst Manor with my family on Cocksfield Ave. My wife Shelley and I have been members of Beth David for 29 years. We raised two children and both were Bar Mitzva'd at our Shule. My late parents were members as well and I can say that Beth David has been a part of my entire life and I too was Bar Mitzva'd here. I am not Shomer Shabbis and I dont come to Shule on a regular basis. But I can say that that for the most part of my life and since marriage we do attend the High Holiday services (save and except the fallout from Covid years). 

I want to see Beth David succeed and thrive. I hope that the congregation will grow and that the synagogue may continue to be there in the future for my children. This is why I am considering running for the Board.   


I am a Realtor and I am a Re/Max representative. I have served on other boards before one a national board and currently I am a Director and the Ontario Representative for the Canadian Alpine Masters. I am a very committed and competitive alpine racer in the FIS Masters Cup. 

Recordings from previous Annual General Meetings

Click here for AGM recordings from previous years

Beth David Audited Financial Statements to July 31, 2022

Click here to retrieve a copy of the audited financial statements.

Highlights of the Operating Budget 2023-2024

Click here to retrieve a copy of the report.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785