Hanukkah 2023 Thursday December 7th - Friday December 15th Now, more than ever, we stand together, as one, as we light our candles. Let our lights shine bright as we continue to pray for another Hanukkah miracle.
Spotlight on:
Tamar Tzohari
Opening night of Tamar's Gallery was a huge success. Tamar curated her mentor's photographs to share with our community. Lavi's images will be displayed in Beth David's Lobby through December 14.
Kol Hakavod Tamar. We thank you for sharing your friend's photos and thank you for choosing images that are meaningful and impactful.
Thank you to Cantor Loomer for his support and sponsorship of the Gallery
Happening Today
Registration Closed Teen Community Care Kit Program Sunday December 10th, 10:00am to 12:00pm Join Beth David as well pack hygiene kits for Engage and Change and learn about how our actions can have an impact.
Upcoming Events
CLICK ON THE TITLE OF EACH EVENT FOR MORE INFORMATION So You Think You Know the Biblical Characters, Eh? A three-part series with AVRUM ROSENSWEIG Tuesday December 12th, 1:30pm-3:00pm - G-D and the Torah Tuesday January 16, 1:30pm-3:00pm - Moses & Miriam and Abraham & Sarah Tuesday February 13. 1:30pm-3:00pm - Jacob and Family Join us around the table as Avrum continues to uncover secrets of Judaism and Torah and share his knowledge and quest for tikunolam
Hanukkah Party and Menorah Lighting Wednesday December 13th, 4:30pm-7:00pm Join us in lighting the 7th candle, bring your own menorah or use one of ours. There will be arts & crafts, cookie decorating, sufganiyot and latkes and more!
Club Chaverut: Singer and Musician Jordan Klapman Sunday December 17th, 1:30pm-3:00pm Singer and Musician Singing light and lively songs from Broadway and the sixties and seventies. Please RSVP to Rose Haspel, by December 12, 2023, at 905-764-8141
BDW Craft Group Tuesday December 19th, 2:00pm-3:30pm at Beth David
Kids Corner and Family Fun
Join us for Hanukkah Wednesday December 13, 4:30pm - 7:00pm Cost: $5 per person OR $20 per family (2 adults + children) PIZZA DINNER INCLUDED! Children under 2 free! clickhere to register
registration closes Monday December 11 at 10am
Teen Corner
Shins and Teens!
Save the date for a teen skate Saturday February 10, 2024
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The exhibit has been curated by our Shinshinit Tamar Tzohari in memory of her friend and high school mentor Lavi Lipshitz. Staff Sgt. Lavi Lipshitz, 20, a soldier in the Givati Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, was killed in the northern Gaza Strip on October 31 by a Hamas RPG missile. Lavi had a lifelong passion for art and cinema. Throughout his high school years he was an arts major in the Israeli arts and science academy. He was even able to still have the arts as a part of his life during his army service. As he served in Givati, he opened an instagram account called @till_when_diary, where he posted the daily photo that he captured of his surroundings. This exhibition focuses on Lavi Lipshitz’s experience of life through his lense. If you have not had the opportunity to attend the exhibit continues in the Beth David Lobby through December 14th, 2023 Please click here to read Elay and Tamar's Newsletter
Beth David's Mens Club Tuesday December 12th, 7:30pm Board Room If you would like to read more about the Beth David Men's Club, CLICK HERE
Senior's Corner
The next Circle of Care exercise classes will be: Monday December 11 at 1:15pm and Wednesday December 18 at 1:15pm Classes are held, at Beth David, Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:15pm(excluding statutory holidays and Religious holidays) for additional information please email mrobinson@circleofcare.com
**there will be no class on December 13th**
Volunteer Opportunity and Monetary Donations Needed
***A Call for Volunteers*** Come do a ride along in the Ve'ahavta Van with Beth David Wednesday December 27th 6pm-12am contact Adina at adina@bethdavid.com 14+ (teens must be accompanied with an adult)
Beth David Women Tikkun Olam
Beth David Women's Tikkun Olam DECEMBER collection is:
hats - scarves - granola bars - canned fish Drop-off: 116 Hetherington Cres, Thornhill & 25 Verwood Ave, Toronto
The Beth David Judaica Shop
Thank-you so much to everyone who made purchases these past two Sundays in support of the BD Israel Emergency Fund! We sold over $3500 of merchandise and a substantial portion of that will de donated to our fund (all the proceeds)! Please note that the shop will be open again on Wednesday, Dec 13 from 4:30 to 7:00 pm during our Chanukah Party. We have many Chanukah toys that can be purchased in support of our Chai Lifeline Toy Drive (box located in our front lobby) All proceeds will go to Beth David's Israel Emergency Fund 2023 Payment by CASH, cheque to BDBIBA Sisterhood Judaica Shop or e-transfer to lexchint@gmail.com No HST as we are a registered charitable organization Please email bethdavidjudaicashop@gmail.com for more information. https://photos.app.goo.gl/YsGgnWq9HL1ibbza6
If you see something suspicious, please say something immediately by notifying a member of our staff or guard when present. Do not leave doors open or allow unknown individuals to enter our facility. Thank you for doing your part to maintain our collective security.
Instructions for Entering Shul for Minyanim
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE IN WEEKDAY EVENING SERVICES weekday evening services are at 7:00pm
If you are using the keypad for entry to the shul, please ensure that you enter alone and that the door closes securely behind you. When leaving the shul at any time, please make sure that the door closes and locks securely behind you. To enter the shul for the weekday minyanim, please use the 5-digit services access code on the keypad at the main door, beginning 30 minutes before services. email: faye@bethdavid.com, mrubin@bethdavid.comor ian@bethdavid.com if you require this code. Share this code ONLY with those attending minyan
Not Feeling Well? In light of increasing concerns over covid and the flu, if you aren’t feeling well or have been exposed to someone not feeling well, please consider enjoying services on Livestream instead of coming to the shul. To access the livestream link pleaseclick here livemedia.biz/BethDavid.html
Past Programme Recordings on Beth David's YouTube Channel
Our YouTube Channel is updated as programs occur.
Click here to access the recording of Rabbi Margie